How to Find a Fujitsu Accredited Installer in New Zealand

How to Find a Fujitsu Accredited Installer in New Zealand

A lot of companies claim to be accredited installers of Fujitsu heat pumps, when in reality they are not. Such scams are becoming more and more popular in New Zealand, with false claims around trade registrations and accreditations.

Why is it important to find an accredited installer?

It’s important because brands like Fujitsu provide warranties on their heat pumps and air conditioners if installed by an accredited installer. Fujitsu General providers a 6-year full parts and labour warranty on their heat pumps systems when installed by an accredited Fujitsu installer.

Getting your heat pump installed by an accredited installer also means you can be rest assured that you are dealing with a professional who has the necessary equipment, skills, and training to install your heating system, that is in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions, and applying sound trade practices.

So, how do you make sure that the company you are dealing with are accredited Fujitsu installers?

Look for the “Fujitsu Accredited Installer” symbol when dealing with a heat pump installer. This symbol will tell you if an installer has achieved Fujitsu accreditation standards. Here are some examples of what the symbol looks like:

If you are looking for an installer online, check their website for the symbol first, and then confirm it by asking them to show you the red card when you meet with them.

Here are some accredited Fujitsu heat pump installers in New Zealand:

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